
Our rates are available in Indonesian Rupiah/IDR (local rate for local clients) or US Dollar/USD (international rate for international clients).

The following is how we calculate our rates:

  1. Translation:
    • per word (international standard), or
    • per page
  2. Interpreting:
    • per hour
    • per day
  3. Subtitling:
    • per minute of video duration
  4. Localization:
    • per word
  5. Reviewing:
    • per hour, or
    • per word
Note:  Word count is always based on the source document.  However, if the source document is a non-editable document, such as scanned PDFs, then what applies is page count with a predetermined average word count per page.

Do not hesitate to contact us to find out about our competitive rates.


  • HPI (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia / Association of Indonesian Translators)
  • ProZ.com (a workplace where translators and clients meet)
  • KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia / Indonesian Great Dictionary)